
Paper presentations at international conferences

"Interessi immobiliari e fondiari delle ‘Assicurazioni Generali’ nella Turchia ottomana / The interests in land and real estate of the ‘Assicurazioni Generali’ in the Ottoman Turkey" at the international conference Architetti e costruttori italiani nell'impero ottomano e nella Turchia moderna, 1780–2000 / Italian architects and builders in the Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey, 1780–2000, Istanbul, 8th–9th March 2013.
"The Italian and Austro–Hungarian settlements in Tientsin / Tianjin: published and unpublished documents for rewriting two episodes of colonialism (1901–1947)" at the international conference Dissonant architectural heritage in the postcolonial age. On the changing perceptions of "colonial" architecture in recent decades, 3rd annual meeting, COST Action IS0904, Lisbon, 18th–20th February 2013.
"The Porr Betonbau–Unternehmung: ways to develop an Austrian corporate company abroad (1926–1979)" at the international conference Colonial, Imperial or Corporate Architecture. Architectural diversity or uniformity across time, agency or geography, 2nd annual meeting, COST Action IS0904, Edinburgh, 9th–11th February 2012.
"Le ‘Assicurazioni Generali’ in Albania: sedi di rappresentanza e politiche immobiliari fino al 1945 / ‘Assicurazioni Generali’ në Shqipëri: Përfaqësite dhe politikat imobiljare deri në 1945" at the international conference Architetti e ingegneri italiani in Albania / Architektet dhe inxhinjeret italiane ne ShqiperiIII Convegno Internazionale "La presenza degli architetti italiani nei paesi del Mediterraneo" / III Konferencë Ndërkombëtare "Prania e arkitekteve italiane ne vendet e Mesdheut", Tirana, 5th–6th December 2011.
"Vienna, un paradigma per le città dell'impero" at the international conference Città di confine della Mitteleuropa attorno al 1900. La conservazione del patrimonio del Moderno tra Oradea, Trieste, Vienna, Budapest, Rijeka, organized by DOCOMOMO Italia and University of Trieste, Triest, 8th November 2010.
"The modern city in Bosnia: engineers and hygienist theories 1878–1918" at the international conference City & Society in European History, organized by European Association of Urban History (EAUH), Ghent, 1st–4th September 2010.
"Das Rote Wien. Eine einseitige Interpretation der Moderne?" at the international Intensive Seminar Runaway History. Multiplikationsprozesse in der Moderne, organized by IFK – Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften Wien, Vienna, 13th–15th May 2009.
"Problemi igienici a Vienna 1887–1918. Lo sguardo delle riviste di settore" at the international conference La città e le regole, organized by Italian Association of Urban History (AISU), Torino, 15th–17th June 2006.

Paper presentations at national conferences

"Moderne anders betrachtet – Hygiene und Architektur in Wien um die Jahrhundertwende" at the Carinthia University of applied sciences, Campus Spittal, 3rd June 2014.
"Wien und Triest fin–de–siècle: architektonisches Wissen im Transfer" at the Italian Cultural Institut, Vienna, 30th April 2012.
"Hygiene und Architektur. Gesundheits– und Städtebaupolitik in Wien 1887–1918" at the 66. Werkstatt Geschichte organized by the Historische Kommission der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna, 5th June 2008.
"Sperimentazioni e modelli per l'architettura ospedaliera tra Vienna, Trieste e la Mitteleuropa 1784–1908" at the conference series L'ospedale nella storia, organized by the Faculty of Medicine, University of Trieste, Trieste, 7th May 2008.
"Hygiene und Architektur in Wien, 1887–1918" at the symposyum of doctoral studies of Universität für angewandte Kunst and Akademie der bildenden Künste comingout2008, Vienna, 19th April 2008.
"Tra Trieste e Vienna 1902–1927. Similitudini e differenze nell'edilizia sociale" at the conference series Il Novecento a Trieste, organized by "Italia Nostra" and Dipartimento di Progettazione architettonica e Urbana, University of Trieste, Trieste, 12th April 2006.

Organisation of conferences and conference–sessions

Session "Border cities: urban spaces of production and exchange, between separateness and dialogue" (with Alessandra Marin) at the international conference Cities and Societies in Comparative Perspective organized by European Association of Urban History (EAUH), Prague, 29th August–1st September 2012.
Session "Città di confine e di guerra tra XIX e XX secolo" (with Alessandra Marin) at the international conference Fuori dall'ordinario: la città di fronte a catastrofi ed eventi eccezionali, organized by Italian Association of Urban History (AISU), Roma, 8th–10th September 2011.
Co–organizer of symposium of doctoral studies of Universität für angewandte Kunst and Akademie der bildenden Künste Vienna comingout2008, Vienna, 18th–19th April 2008.
Co–organizer of the workshop "Duino–Komen" within the research project Interreg IIIA Italy–Slovenia "Modelli e tipologie insediative nell'ottica della sostenibilità ambientale nelle aree transfrontaliere Italia–Slovenia".